Saturday, September 29, 2012

Are we PLUR yet?!

(Man. No one has posted for a long time...)

This question has been in my mind for a long time now... but is the PSF PLUR? Are we finally a forum that's great and happy again?

I really want to say "yes" but I know the answer. The PSF wasn't 100% PLUR in the first place. Okay... maybe the first 4 months didn't count but there will always be someone who isn't PLUR.

In case some of you don't know, PLUR means, "Peace, Love, Unity, Respect."
There will ALWAYS be someone that doesn't show PLUR. That's just how humans are. Ever since HyperSha and his gang of accounts attacked the forum, we've lost a lot of PLURness... But then, we've also gained a bit. But then, before those "trolls came a'trollin'," we weren't 100% PLUR. I always knew someone who didn't show one of these qualities. This is a life many of us would like to live but sadly, that's not going to happen. There's always that one "Party Pooper."

Anyways, just wanted to hear your opinion. Is the PSF really PLUR or not? I don't think we are quite there yet. (Not enough Love♥ & Respect)


Saturday, September 8, 2012


Could anyone want to buy cookies or magazines?We're trying to fundraiser money for school field trips and school supplies. We have Mrs. Fields Cookie Dough and over 700 magazines.

PM me if interested! 


That's my post from the PSF. So, do you want to buy some? Check my blog for more info.