Monday, April 29, 2013

You're Invited to....A Poptropica TWIN Party!

Hallo, everyone!!

Ever wished you could have a twin? Someone who looks just like you, so that you guys could both dress up alike and fool the world?

Well, as a twin myself, I'll tell you something: It's a LOT more fun than it looks.

And what's better? To all you non-twins: For once, you get to be a twin

That's because I'm inviting YOU, the readers/visitors of the PSF Life Blog and members of the PSF--

And this one, you'll never forget!

(Official Party Flyer, created by RedWing)

The Poptropica Twin Party

Hosted By RedWing

Here's all the details!
Who's Invited: Every Poptropican! Spread the word by sharing this flyer with your friends!
When's the Party: Friday, May 10th, 2013 (depends on Time Zones)
What time: 6:30 PM-7:30 PM EST Time
What do we wear: Here's the idea of this party--

Grab a friend who plays Poptropica and PRIVATELY coordinate with them. You guys have to be wearing the EXACT same clothing, plus same hair/skin color, when you enter the Multiverse Party. So find someone!
** I will be posting the Multiverse Code on this thread and on the PoptropicaSecrets Forum Chatroom 5 minutes before the party starts**

** We WILL be using the chatroom . Here is the link-->
Poptropica Secrets Forum Chatroom

** Lastly, If you can not make the party, although you're missing out, IT'S OKAY.
I will be screen-casting the full recap, and will post it on my Youtube Channel.
Red Wing - YouTube

That's pretty much it! Leave me a message here if you have any questions, and I hope to see you there!
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RedWing Will Soar Again!

Hello everyone! Guess who it is...? :D


Moi, RedWing has finally come back to the forum! I'm gonna keep it brief, but here's all the details--

So a LOT...and I mean  A LOT has changed since I first made this site, correct?

On simple means, I have a NEW personal blog..


 Tumblr | Wattpad | Chat | Photobucket | Youtube

But this post isn't about me today. I already made my introductory post, and never got to really talk here. 
Today, this post is gonna be about

US, the forum members. 
And what lies in the future for us.

What has become of us on the forum? Where do we stand?
How have we changed?

Firstly, I would really like to get this website back on it's feet, because I'm back at the PSF to begin again. And I bet this blog could really be awesome if we put our minds to it.

Once I become Admin (Along with PP), maybe we could redesign the template here a little? Wink wink? Maybe?

But this is a good lesson to remember. No matter how bad times can be, they'll always get better. No matter what. As long as you try.

So what are your wishes for this blog, the PSF, or just for yourself?

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