Monday, April 29, 2013

You're Invited to....A Poptropica TWIN Party!

Hallo, everyone!!

Ever wished you could have a twin? Someone who looks just like you, so that you guys could both dress up alike and fool the world?

Well, as a twin myself, I'll tell you something: It's a LOT more fun than it looks.

And what's better? To all you non-twins: For once, you get to be a twin

That's because I'm inviting YOU, the readers/visitors of the PSF Life Blog and members of the PSF--

And this one, you'll never forget!

(Official Party Flyer, created by RedWing)

The Poptropica Twin Party

Hosted By RedWing

Here's all the details!
Who's Invited: Every Poptropican! Spread the word by sharing this flyer with your friends!
When's the Party: Friday, May 10th, 2013 (depends on Time Zones)
What time: 6:30 PM-7:30 PM EST Time
What do we wear: Here's the idea of this party--

Grab a friend who plays Poptropica and PRIVATELY coordinate with them. You guys have to be wearing the EXACT same clothing, plus same hair/skin color, when you enter the Multiverse Party. So find someone!
** I will be posting the Multiverse Code on this thread and on the PoptropicaSecrets Forum Chatroom 5 minutes before the party starts**

** We WILL be using the chatroom . Here is the link-->
Poptropica Secrets Forum Chatroom

** Lastly, If you can not make the party, although you're missing out, IT'S OKAY.
I will be screen-casting the full recap, and will post it on my Youtube Channel.
Red Wing - YouTube

That's pretty much it! Leave me a message here if you have any questions, and I hope to see you there!
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  1. CRAAAAAAAP! I have a school dance that night! NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:
